The Third Wheel: Guy’s Thoughts on Your Vibrator

Using sex toys is something completely normal to many women. And while it’s easy to understand why some of us proudly wield their vibrator in hand, others don’t require extra help. To men, on the other hand, sex toys are like mythical creatures.

Have you noticed that? If not, try mentioning a vibrator in a conversation with your partner. His reaction will probably be a stupid smile and a giggle. To men, the sole idea of a woman using a sex toy seems so unreal and yet seductive that their brains can’t comprehend it.

That’s why the next time you catch your guy reading sites reviewing the most powerful vibrators, take it easy on him. He just wants to learn a thing or two. And if you’ve always wondered what’s his opinion on your buzzing companion, take a look below.

You Use It Because He Can’t Satisfy You

As soon as your partner finds out that you use a vibrator, he’s going to freak out. His first thought will be: “am I that bad at sex that she has to use one?” He’ll treat your sex toy as a threat to his masculinity. A foe that he needs to crush in an ultimate showdown.

guys' thoughts on vibrators
Image Credits: (Gina’s New Vibrator! Scene 2)

It’s a joke, of course. Still, what men can’t often understand is that a woman’s orgasm is different from theirs. It’s longer, more intense, and more importantly, it comes in various types. And to be more precise, in five:

  • Clitoral
  • Vaginal
  • Anal
  • Blended
  • Erogenous zones

So to any man reading this, we don’t use vibrators because you can’t give us pleasure. We just want to experience something else from time to time. Using a vibrator is one of the best ways to achieve that.

It’s Just for Masturbation

The classic mistake men (and many women) make. They assume that sex toys are designed only for solo-masturbation. They believe their purpose is to satisfy your sexual pleasure when your partner isn’t home.

But a sex toy can significantly improve your sex life. You simply need to open your mind.

Using a vibrator in your bedroom will allow you to experience new levels of pleasure. What’s more, with a little help from your buzzing toy, your partner will be able to give you a wider variety of orgasms and make them more intense.

What’s interesting, according to a 2009 study, using sex toys while making love is much more mainstream than most people think. In fact, 91% of men and 81% of women who participated in the survey claimed they’d used sex toys with their partner.

It Can’t Feel That Good

Do questions: “How does it feel? Is it that good?” sound familiar? Every straight man in the world wonders how it feels to use a vibrator. They ask themselves what the sensations are and why do women like their little buzzing toys so much?

Unfortunately, the answer to these questions is too complicated. No man can understand the sexual pleasure vibrators can give because they’re not women. It’s a tiny detail, yet impossible to overcome.

And to guys who’re reading this article, know one thing. We wouldn’t use vibrators if they didn’t give us the pleasure we seek. But don’t worry, no matter what, they can’t replace the real sex experience.

Wait, There is More Than Just One Type?

Ask a man for a vibrator description, and he’ll tell you that it looks like a pink wand from a Harry Potter movie. And sure, some toys look just like that, but they’re in the minority.

That’s why the next time your partner asks you about a vibrator type, you can show him the list below. There are:

  • Clitoral vibrators
  • Massage wands
  • Bullet vibrators
  • Rabbits
  • Wearables
  • Suctions
  • G-spots

Each type can bring something special to your sexual experience. What’s more, you can implement all of them in your bedroom, taking your sex life to the next level.

Bottom Line

And that’s it, the list of what many guys think of a vibrator under a woman’s bed. Of course, not every man is like that. On the contrary, most of them are open-minded and understand why and how women use their toys.

Moreover, they’re brave enough to get kinkier and try it in bed.

But when it comes to using a vibrator, or any other sex toy in the bedroom, it’s not just men who can be reluctant about that.

Many women are also afraid to try something new and take a risk, even if the reward is an improved sex life.

But if you’d like to make things more intense in bed, implementing sex toys is a fantastic idea. And if your other half doesn’t seem to find it enjoyable, try to explain why using a vibrator is such an excellent experience for you and how it can also improve their performance.

In short, turn it around and make it more about him. No man can resist that.

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